Dialog #4

DİYALOG4 / Teaser from TORK on Vimeo.

“Dialog Project” is the story of a journey. What Tan and Sernaz have experienced, old stories within their bodies, people, creatures, plants and everything they encounter, guide them in this spiritual journey. This ‘Dialog’, is open to the creation of new projects by various artists, in various places on different times. The book “Dialog-On a Choreography” of the artists, including the unfolding process of the Dialog series, has been published.

Oğuz and Nilüfer of the band Nu Park have been performing improvised electroacoustic music and soundscapes. The duo invites participants to experience the meditative, playful and sensory dimensions simultaneously with their music.

Chasing emotions
Shaping with imagination
İmagining with movement
Chasing yourself…

Premier: November 2016
Choreography & Performance: Sernaz Demirel & Tan Temel
Music: Oğuz Öner & Nilüfer Ormanlı
Light Design: Ayşe Ayter
Video Installation: Metin Çavuş
Photo: Kutay Derin Kugay
Production: TORK Dance Art, Yıldız Tecnique University